Change Log

Version 1.2.1 #

  1. Fix Metrics Category view when divided by total equaling zero

Version 1.2.0 #

  1. Added: FileUploader view's "multiple" mode

Version 1.1.5 #

  1. Fixed: Fix the issue clicking on FormDropDown will close the dropdown form
  2. Fixed: Fix the donutchart in category metric

Version 1.1.4 #

  1. Fixed: Avoid empty avatar image in Main header
  2. Fixed: Wrong page name in Login page

Version 1.1.2 #

  1. Fixed: Lack of lang class in Login view

Version 1.1.1 #

  1. Fixed: Use language for translation in Login view

Version 1.1.0 #

  1. Added: Encode state with Client::jsonParams() to secure the state

Version 1.0.2 #

  1. Fixed: Not update metric when Language is applied to range selector

Version 1.0.1 #

  1. Fix the page init issue
  2. Add the Wrapper view for Dashboard

Version 1.0.0 #

  1. General theme for koolreport
  2. Theme for dashboard

Get started with KoolReport

KoolReport will help you to construct good php data report by gathering your data from multiple sources, transforming them into valuable insights, and finally visualizing them in stunning charts and graphs.