
KoolReport is an intuitive and flexible Open-Source PHP Reporting Framework for faster and easier report delivery. It gives you full control of data process as well as data visualization. It is fast, simple and can be extended in many ways.

Latest Releases

Package Version Change Log
KoolReport 6.6.0 View
Cube 3.5.1 View
Barcode 3.1.1 View
Cache 1.2.0 View
ChartJs 3.3.0 View
ChartTable 1.4.0 View
CleanData 1.6.1 View
CloudExport 4.2.1 View
CodeIgniter 1.8.0 View
DataGrid 8.0.0 View
D3 1.7.0 View
Dashboard 4.8.0 View
Excel 11.0.1 View
Export 5.5.0 View
Inputs 6.5.0 View
Instant 3.7.0 View
DrillDown 3.7.0 View
MongoDB 1.3.0 View
Morris Chart 3.0.1 View
Laravel 2.1.0 View
QueryBuilder 3.4.1 View
Pivot 9.2.0 View
Sparklines 1.5.0 View
Statistics 1.2.0 View
Amazing 2.4.0 View
AppStack 1.2.1 View
ApexCharts 1.1.0 View
PlatesPHP 1.0.0 View
Blade 1.0.2 View
Twig 1.0.0 View
VisualQuery 2.7.0 View
Yii2 1.0.0 View


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koolreport team