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Error on ChromeHeadless PDF Export #3210

Open Frank DiGiandomenico opened this topic on on Dec 11, 2023 - 3 comments

Frank DiGiandomenico commented on Dec 11, 2023

Hello, we are receiving an error message when using the KoolReport ChromeHeadless PDF export feature: "Request Failed:"

This is the same issue I reported a couple weeks ago, which was apparently related to a service upgrade (https://www.koolreport.com/forum/topics/2066)..

To test the service, I hit the following URL to test: https://service.chromeheadless.io/api/export and received the following response:

"502 Bad Gateway"

Please advise ASAP, thank you!

David Winterburn commented on Dec 12, 2023

Thank you for your feedback. We have put in a prevention method to avoid the service's long disruption. In case there's a failed response pls try export request again after about 30 seconds. We will looking into improving the service response time.

Frank DiGiandomenico commented on Dec 14, 2023

This issue is back and the service appears to be down. This is happening more and more frequently as of late. Retrying after 30 seconds or more does not fix the issue. Please advise ASAP.

KoolReport commented on Dec 18, 2023

Hi Frank,

We are terribly sorry for service of chromeheadless recently. We have received enormous number of requests that server at many points of time could not handle. Regardless of all app technical optimization, we hit the physical limit of server. During last 2 year we have raised the capacity of server 4 times trying to keep the service for free but still the service is overloaded.

Solution: We are able to build private server for you. We have done for some of our customer and so far all are happy with the result. If you are interested in the solution, please contact us at support@koolreport.com

Thank you very much.

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