The KoolReport Blog

Announcements, discussions, and more for KoolReport and its extended packages.

KoolReport Releases

We are thrilled to announce a major release of KoolReport products with significant improvements. Upgrade is highly recommended.

Compatibility with PHP 8.2

Dynamic properties have been deprecated in PHP 8.2 causing issues for KoolReport and its packages. We have completely solved the issues with dynamic properties in this release, enabling you to upgrade to the latest PHP confidently.

KoolReport Core 6.1.0

Improvements have been made to Table, Google Chart and the ability to store the view folder in a separate folder. The view file of a report no longer needs to be in the same folder as the report’s class file.

Dashboard Framework

Exporting capabilities have been greatly enhanced with the addition of a general engine() method. This method enables you to specify a list of exporting engines that you need and choose which engine to use during the exporting process. Excel exporting has also been improved, allowing developers to customize the view of the excel file instead of using the default view from the previous version.

Other packages

  1. Datagrid 7.8.0: Ability to load custom css file
  2. Excel 10.6.0: Excellent improvement for MacOS Number compatibility and ability to rearrange widgets automatically in Excel files
  3. Export 5.3.0: Improve the flexibility of export view by adding viewMap property.
  4. VisualQuery 2.1.0: Fix the grouping when multiple fields are used
  5. Amazing 2.1.4: Fix FormDropDown and DonutChart in Dashboard
  6. AppStack 1.1.5: Fix FormDropDown and DonutChart
  7. Bootstrap4 1.5.1: Upgrade to 4.5
  8. ChartJS 3.2.1: Minor fix
  9. ChartTable 1.3.1: Minor fix
  10. Cleandata 1.6.1 :Minor fix
  11. CloudExport 4.2.0: Upgrade php client library
  12. Cube 3.5.1: Minor fix
  13. Inputs 6.5.1: Minor fix
  14. MorrisChart 3.0.1: Minor fix

We hope that you enjoy the new releases.

<3 koolreport team

KoolReport Major Releases

We are happy to announce that big release for KoolReport products have been available. This release contains many improvements to the library and it worths your upgrade.

Core 6.x

KoolReport Core has been improved its datasources for better connection. The library was also equipped with optional PHP generator mechanism to reserve resources to handle large data report. In previous version of KoolReport, we may experience some notices when working with PHP 8.x but now all are gone.

KoolReport Pro and its packages

Together with release of the core, KoolReport Pro also reached version 6.x with the upgrades of many packages:

  1. Amazing 2.1.3: Handle dashboard framework theme
  2. Inputs 6.2.0: Upgrade client library and fix bugs
  3. QueryBuilder 3.3.0: Fixed issue in from() methods
  4. ChartJs 3.2.0: Ability to handle chart's onClick events and able to use inline plugins.
  5. Charttable 1.3.0: Ability to transpose table with flexible column names
  6. Cube 3.5.0: New methods like count distinct, count not null and sum distinct.
  7. Datagrid 7.7.0: Smart searching mode, complex header labeling.
  8. Excel 10.5.1: Fixed bugs, adding footer with aggregating methods
  9. Pivot 9.0.1: New methods like count distinct, count not null, new computations property for Pivot2D

New AppStack theme

Beside existing Amazing theme, we have provided a new theme called AppStack. The theme has been added into KoolReport Pro that you can try out now.

Dashboard Framework 4.x

This new version of Dashboard Framework contains so many improvements that you should upgrade:

  1. Dynamic themes: The theme now can be set during runtime, it opens the possibility for users choose the theme that they like.
  2. Dynamic languages: Able to let user choose their preferred languages
  3. Multi pages: Can have more than one page with different menu system.
  4. FlexView: A new widget of Dashboard that can hold and show different views.
  5. InlineEditAction: New action for admin panel that allows resource be edited right on table
  6. Compability: Working with latest PHP 8.x version.

Read our Dashboard 3.5 to 4.x upgrade notes.

Thank you very much!

<3 koolreport team

KoolReport Q4-2021 Releases

We are very happy to inform that the Q4-2021 releases have been available. In this releases, we have a new core KoolReport together with 12 new package updates. We will go through each packages' update and note that the biggest change will be at the end.

KoolReport Q4-2021 releases

Core 5.5.0

KoolReport core 5.5.0 has been releases with ability to use PDODataSource to update/delete data with execute() method. This extent comes from the demand of not just fetching data but also updating database. We added new process called Forward which basically act as a forwarder to branch data with conditions. There also a small update to Google Chart in which the chart can accept more than one annotation text. The last update comes from Table in which we make the removeDuplicate property work with both column names and column orders.

ChartJS 3.0.0

In Chartjs 3.0.0 we introduce Timeline chart which is very useful for representing multiple events' time range. Another big update is multiple axes support. Now users can add multiple Y value axes for multiple data series.

Charttable 1.2.0

With Charttable 1.2.0 we fix a common bug with "columns" property to make Charttable behave similarly to Table or DataTables widget.

CloudExport 4.0.0

In CloudExport 4.0.0, we update the underlying chromeheadlessio/php-client package to prepare support for a near future release of a local cloud export server running in Docker.

DataGrid 7.0.0

Popular DataTables's version 7.0.0 has a new property called rowspan (aliases: removeDuplicate, groupCellsInColumns) which groups/merges verticaly adjacent cells with the same value. It is somewhat similar to row group but has a different visual format which many users like. Many client side functions for expanding/collapsing/toggling row groups, row details are implemented as well. Option for setting a custom ajax url when using server side processing is added as ajaxUrl property.

Excel 9.0.0

A new excel widget, Pivotmatrix, is added in Excel 9.0.0 besides various fixes. PivotMatrix is nearly similar to PivotTable except for a slightly different and improved excel layout.

Export 5.1.0

Export 5.1.0 introduces a serverLocalAddress option in case a report server can not access its report resources (js/css/images/fonts/etc) via its domain name and must use a local address like "localhost" or "".

Morris 3.0.0

In Morris chart 3.0.0, we present strong customization server-side options for hover and format templates.

Pivot 8.1.0

Pivot 8.1.0 brings solid fixes like aggregates' auto meta data, a property name typo (impressively, we know) to an already full-featured package.

Inputs 6.0.0

The DateRanngPicker and DateTimePicker have been fixed a big bug related to calculating this month timeframe. The CheckBoxList and RadioList also are improved with changing bootstrap.

QueryBuilder 3.1.0

QueryBuilder is working just great, only received a small bug fix in generating delete query which happens in very rare case. Thanks to our beloved customer Michael to spot this issue.

Dashboard 3.0.0

Stepping from version 2.0.0 to 3.0.0, Dashboard has been put under a huge operation with many improvements and bug fixes. There were about 50 changes recorded in our changelog for version 3.0.0.

The biggest feature in Dashboard is the Admin Panel. With this feature, you can construct a beautiful admin panel to administer your data, your application operation or even your business. Writing only few lines of code, you can implement a full CRUD system to admin your resources. But it does not stop there, CRUD is just a basic feature of it. Admin Panel is very flexible that allows you to define your own list of glasses to view your data in different angles, to construct your own data filtering and to build your own actions on each piece of your data. Building on top of powerful KoolReport Pro and Dashboard Framework, Admin Panel is the best of both worlds: A powerful admin panel and an advanced KPI dashboard system. And not to forget, Admin Panel is developed as a part of Dashboard Framework so if you have Dashboard Framework license, you have Admin Panel features available NOW.

View Dashboard & AdminPanel's Demo

The Dashboard Framework now has a new notification system. In every actions of Dashboard or Widget, you can return an notification object like Alert, Confirm, Note or even a raw javascript code to be executed at client-side.

In this new version, we have provided the Excel and CSV exporting capability as our promise to you from the last version.

It is hard to list all changes here, for details you can have a look at our Dashboard's changelog.

Although we incorporated many new features into Dashboard Framework, we maintained a solid backward compatibility so you feel free to upgrade to new Dashboard 3.0.0.

Our road map

Despite of the Covid-19 epidemic crisis, our team have successfully managed our constant releases to make sure that bugs are fixed, new features are available, support requests are solved. Our next plans & products for 2022 will be:

  1. Continue improving KoolReport and its packages
  2. Perfect the Dashboard Framework: new capabilities, new themes .etc
  3. Construct Dashboard Builder, a drag and drop GUI to construct dashboard & admin panel.
  4. Dockerize our Chromeheadlessio service to provide on-premise PDF generator solution.
  5. Provide off-the-shelf OLAP solution.

Thank you very much!

<3 koolreport team

There are some rumors that you may want to hear

Welcome to KoolReport's rumor channel. Today I will tell your some secrets about their products that you may not know.

KoolReport secret that you may not know

First: KoolReport Core 5.1.0 was released

The new version 5.1.0 was released with improvements such as better datasource functionality, PHP8 compatibility together with some minor bug fixes. It is actually not a rumor, I just took the information from their change log.

Second: Many packages got updated

I heard that together with new version of KoolReport Core, many packages got updated:

  1. Amazing 1.7.0: Fix browser console warning
  2. BarCode 2.1.0: Able to save barcode to file
  3. CloudExport 3.0.1: Able to looking for resource link within CSS file
  4. ChartTable 1.1.0: Remove the resource-dependency of ChartTable on other packages so that it can work alone
  5. ChartJs 2.5.1: Smoother plugins integration
  6. D3 1.6.0: Working better at client-side
  7. DataGrid 6.0.0: Great enhancements for clientRowGroup and server-side searching functionality
  8. DrillDown 3.5.0: Ability to set global scope variables
  9. Excel 8.5.0: Adding "removeDuplicate" feature to Table and fix issue of number formatting in Excel
  10. Pivot 8.0.0: Add ability to initiate silently and shown on-demand.
  11. Query Builder 3.0.0: Now able to generate call procedure
  12. VisualQuery 2.0.0: A complete makeover from version 1.0

The above upgrades of the core and packages make the new KoolReport Pro 5.7.0. They maintain strong backward compatibility so we can feel free to upgrade to latest version.

Third: A new and more powerful Dashboard Framework 2.0.0

I also heard the Dashboard Framework has gone through a BIG surgery from version 1.0.0 to much more powerful v2.0.0 with more than 50 changes. Its best new features are:

  1. Extend datasource connection to SQLite and Oracle
  2. Improve debugMode to show unexpected error
  3. Adding Logging system that able to report issue via multiple channels
  4. Improve Metrics behaviors
  5. Integrate full text search into Dashboard table
  6. Bring new widgets on board: DrillDown, PivotTable, D3 and ChartJs
  7. Ability to call procedure from datasource
  8. Incorporate DetailView into widget and let user view data behind any charts
  9. Increase the flexibility in settings property with anonymous function
  10. Able to export dashboard or widgets to PDF

Beside, I heard the next version of Dashboard will have a big feature to help us manage our application's database. The name of it was not yet confirmed BUT it is promised to be the most flexible built-in CRUD+. Despite of all improvements took or will take place, someone told me that the price of Dashboard Framework will not change whatsoever. Can you believe it?

Alright, that's all for the rumors!

Have a great day and looking forward to seeing you in the next episode.

<3 koolreport team

Coronavirus: How can we help?

This is an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on the health of our loved ones, the businesses we rely upon, the health of the global economy, and the way we live our daily lives. Although small, we would like to contribute our effort to help.

We are here to help our customers

We stand ready to help you with safe, secure and affordable reporting solution. KoolReport framework is continued to improve with new features and bug fixes to ensure your report application relied on us continue to run well. We are working hard to fulfill our support responsibility to our customers and all KoolReport's users. We continue to get outsourcing projects done even our customers may be late on payments. We truly understand "a friend in need is a friend indeed".

Discount our licenses

In this flat world today, every businesses is connected to each others. Crisis somewhere else reach us in the way I could not think of. Job loss, project halted, late payment, all can happen putting financial burden in our shoulder. That's why we discount 40% for all KoolReport Pro licenses during this hard time. We understand and would like to share the burden with you.

Take care of our employees, who serve you

Supporting our employees during this crisis period is critical to providing you the service you need and expect. We have taken actions as Covid-19 spreads to protect the physical health and financial security while supporting our customers. Our employees are allowed to work remotely. We provided them with tools to work effectively from home. During their transition from workplace to home, you may see some impact of wait time for our support answer. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this together.

Thank you

We would like to say thanks to all for your trust you put in us everyday. We believe that the crisis will be gone soon and we together be back stronger than ever.

<3 koolreport team

KoolReport helps to analyze your data and ultimately turn them into visual reports or dynamic dashboards.

"KoolReport helps me very much in creating data report for my corporate! Keep up your good work!"

Alain Melsens

"The first use of your product. I was impressed by its easiness and powerfulness. This product is a great product and amazing."

Dr. Lew Choy Onn

"Fantastic framework for reporting!"

Greg Schneider
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