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Koolreport upgrade from 2.31.8 to the current ver. 2.78.0 >> PdoDataSource error! #496

Open bysystem opened this topic on on Oct 16, 2018 - 7 comments

bysystem commented on Oct 16, 2018

Dear support team,

currently I'm using the vers. 2.31.8 (XAMPP, MS SQL Server connection via PdoDataSource.php) without any problems. Now I wanted to upgrade to the latest vers. 2.78.0 on the same way as usual which was always successfully (till yet)!

  • copying the existing packages to the new folder /koolreport/packages
  • copying the existing customized css files to the new folder koolreport/clients/bootstrap/css
  • replacing the old koolreport folder by the new koolreport folder
  • That's it!

I assume there are essential changes related to the PdoDataSource.php file so I get the following error message with a blank web site!

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Query Error >> [[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Das COUNT-Feld ist nicht korrekt, oder es besteht ein Syntaxfehler] >> SELECT ... C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\koolreport\datasources\PdoDataSource.php:204 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\koolreport\KoolReport.php(255): koolreport\datasources\PdoDataSource->start() #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\pivot\index.php(8 in C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\koolreport\datasources\PdoDataSource.php on line 204

Any idea how to fix this?

Kind regards, bysystem

David Winterburn commented on Oct 19, 2018

Hi bysystem,

The new PDODataSource has some changes to prevent SQL injection attack. Would you please send us your report's php code for us to check how to work with the new data source? Thanks!

bysystem commented on Oct 19, 2018

Hello David,

here is the way how I connect to my MS SQL server:

    function settings()
        return array(
				'connectionString' => 'sqlsrv:Server=tcp:;Database=DB_Rep_test',
				'username' => 'sa****',
				'password' => '******',

And here is the way how I generate the output:

							if((isset($_POST["btnSubmit"])) AND ($this->dataStore("Reporting.autorep_v_noNulls")->countData()>0))

								  "measures" => array(
									"Verkaufsmenge - sum",
									"Umsatz - sum",
								  "headerMap" => array(
									"Verkaufsmenge - sum" => "∑ Menge",
									"Umsatz - sum" => "∑ Umsatz pro Quartal und Monat",
								  "rowCollapseLevels" => array(1,2), //0 = zu, 1 = auf
								  "columnCollapseLevels" => array(1,2),
								  "totalName" => '<div align="right"><strong>GESAMT</strong></div>'

If you need some other information please let me know.

Kind regards,


KoolReport commented on Oct 19, 2018

Could you please post the code block related to SQL statement including params binding as well.

bysystem commented on Oct 22, 2018

Hello David,

here are the binding parameters:

    function bindParamsToInputs()
        return array(

Here is the SQL statement incl. params binding:

		// PIVOTTABLE: Umsatz aggregieren	
		if(count($this->params["Werbegruppe"])>0){$whereWerbegruppe="WerbegruppeVerbund IN (:Werbegruppe) ";}else{$whereWerbegruppe="WerbegruppeVerbund IS NOT NULL ";}			
		if(count($this->params["NOrt"])>0){$whereNOrt="NOrt IN (:NOrt) ";}else{$whereNOrt="NOrt IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["NKdName"])>0){$whereNKdName="NKdName IN (:NKdName) ";}else{$whereNKdName="NKdName IS NOT NULL ";}	
		if(count($this->params["ADBezirk"])>0){$whereADBezirk="ADBezirk IN (:ADBezirk) ";}else{$whereADBezirk="ADBezirk IS NOT NULL ";}	
		if(count($this->params["NProdGruppe"])>0){$whereNProdGruppe="NProdGruppe IN (:NProdGruppe) ";}else{$whereNProdGruppe="NProdGruppe IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["Geschaeftsjahr"])>0){$whereGeschaeftsjahr="Geschaeftsjahr IN (:Geschaeftsjahr) ";}else{$whereGeschaeftsjahr="Geschaeftsjahr IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["NArtBez"])>0){$whereNArtBez="NArtBez IN (:NArtBez) ";}else{$whereNArtBez="NArtBez IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["Quartal"])>0){$whereQuartal="Quartal IN (:Quartal) ";}else{$whereQuartal="Quartal IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["Monat"])>0){$whereMonat="Monat IN (:Monat) ";}else{$whereMonat="Monat IS NOT NULL ";}		

			SELECT Sell, Geschaeftsjahr, Monat, Quartal, WerbegruppeVerbund, NKdName, NKdNr, NOrt, NProdGruppe, NArtBez, BestandHaendler_aktuell, BestandZentrale_aktuell, ADBezirk, Verkaufsmenge, Umsatz
			FROM Reporting.autorep_v_noNulls
				Sell = (:Sell) AND
				KdName IN (:KdName) AND
				$whereWerbegruppe AND
				$whereNKdName AND
				$whereNOrt AND
				$whereADBezirk AND
				$whereNProdGruppe AND
				$whereNArtBez AND
				$whereGeschaeftsjahr AND				
				$whereQuartal AND
		->pipe(new ColumnMeta(array(
			"Verkaufsmenge" => array(
		$node->pipe(new Pivot(array(
			"dimensions" => array(
				"column" => "Geschaeftsjahr, Quartal, Monat",
				"row" => "WerbegruppeVerbund, NKdName, NOrt, NKdNr, NProdGruppe"
			"aggregates" => array(
				"sum" => "Verkaufsmenge, Umsatz",

Thx a lot and kind regards, bysystem

David Winterburn commented on Oct 22, 2018

Hi bysystem,

Please remove the round brackets from the number parameters in the params method like this: (:Sell) -> :Sell

Only keep the round brackets for the array parameters (those appear after the IN operator in sql).

Let us know if this fixes your issue or there's still problem. Thanks!

bysystem commented on Nov 7, 2018

Hello David,

sorry for answering so late...

I just have removed the round brackets from the "if count(...)..:" part and kept them for the array parameters in SQL WHERE part:

		if(count($this->params["Werbegruppe"])>0){$whereWerbegruppe="WerbegruppeVerbund IN :Werbegruppe ";}else{$whereWerbegruppe="WerbegruppeVerbund IS NOT NULL ";}			
		if(count($this->params["Ort"])>0){$whereOrt="Ort IN :Ort ";}else{$whereOrt="Ort IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["KdName"])>0){$whereKdName="KdName IN :KdName ";}else{$whereKdName="KdName IS NOT NULL ";}	
		if(count($this->params["ADBezirk"])>0){$whereADBezirk="ADBezirk IN :ADBezirk ";}else{$whereADBezirk="ADBezirk IS NOT NULL ";}	
		if(count($this->params["ProdGruppe"])>0){$whereProdGruppe="ProdGruppe IN :ProdGruppe ";}else{$whereProdGruppe="ProdGruppe IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["Geschaeftsjahr"])>0){$whereGeschaeftsjahr="Geschaeftsjahr IN :Geschaeftsjahr ";}else{$whereGeschaeftsjahr="Geschaeftsjahr IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["ArtBez"])>0){$whereArtBez="ArtBez IN :ArtBez ";}else{$whereArtBez="ArtBez IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["Quartal"])>0){$whereQuartal="Quartal IN :Quartal ";}else{$whereQuartal="Quartal IS NOT NULL ";}		
		if(count($this->params["Monat"])>0){$whereMonat="Monat IN :Monat ";}else{$whereMonat="Monat IS NOT NULL ";}		
			SELECT Sell, Geschaeftsjahr, Monat, Quartal, WerbegruppeVerbund, KdName, KdNr, Ort, ProdGruppe, ArtBez, BestandHaendler_aktuell, BestandZentrale_aktuell, ADBezirk, Verkaufsmenge, Umsatz
			FROM Reporting.autorep_v_noNulls
				Sell = (:Sell) AND
				KdName IN (:KdName) AND
				$whereWerbegruppe AND
				$whereKdName AND
				$whereOrt AND
				$whereADBezirk AND
				$whereProdGruppe AND
				$whereArtBez AND
				$whereGeschaeftsjahr AND				
				$whereQuartal AND

But unfortunatelly I am getting the same error message as below:

Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Query Error >> [[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Das COUNT-Feld ist nicht korrekt, oder es besteht ein Syntaxfehler] >> SELECT ... C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\koolreport\datasources\PdoDataSource.php:204 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\koolreport\KoolReport.php(255): koolreport\datasources\PdoDataSource->start() #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\pivot\index.php(8 in C:\xampp\htdocs\byTool\koolreport\datasources\PdoDataSource.php on line 204

Kind regards, Yilmaz

David Winterburn commented on Nov 8, 2018

Hi bysystem,

I think you misunderstood my answer a bit. Please remove the brackets around number or string parameter like (:Sell) -> :Sell and keep the brackets around array parameter like IN :Werbegruppe -> IN (:Werbegruppe)


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