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General Question on KoolReports Capability #356

Open Datagaard opened this topic on on Jul 9, 2018 - 2 comments

Datagaard commented on Jul 9, 2018


I have just been looking into KoolReports as a possible replacement to SAP Crystal Reports.

In the documentation under Data Sources, you can connect and query a database table. Can you also query database views, and database stored procedures?

Many of our existing crystal reports are based on stored procedures with parameters, allowing users to select criteria of the report. I can see that you have the workings of the parameters in an array for selection criteria, but these appear to be table based for running the final query.


KoolReport commented on Jul 10, 2018


Thank you very much for your interest in our KoolReport. For your concerns

KoolReport is able to query database view and call stored procedures as well. Query a view is the same as querying data from normal table. For calling procedure, you can input parameter for procedures. We use PDO for connection and it supports all of this. php pdo and stored procedures

You may use Inputs package of KoolReport to build form for a report, then the inputs from form will become report's parameters. Those parameters then be supplied to the "query" statements. As i said above, those query statement can call stored procedures and can contain parameters. The result returned from database will flow into KoolReport's further processing (if needed) then later be visualized in form of table or charts as you wish.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance.



Datagaard commented on Jul 10, 2018

Great. Thanks for that Karl

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