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Report layout #3064

Closed Martin Parkes opened this topic on on Jun 1, 2023 - 3 comments

Martin Parkes commented on Jun 1, 2023

Is it possible to create a report like the layout in the attached image. It's pulling in data from several database tables, so cannot do it as a single table

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 5, 2023

Is this requirement for your report's web view or pdf export?

Martin Parkes commented on Jun 5, 2023

It will start off as a web view and then lead to the option to export to PDF. I'm not bothered about new pages on the web view, just need to know if I can get a layout to work like this?

Sebastian Morales commented on Jun 5, 2023

I think one solution is to keep a list of names in an array. Each name would be associated with a datastore. Then in your report view, loop through the names and render every associated datastore in a Table/DataTables widget with grouping. Let us know if there's any unseen difficulty.

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