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Datatables Row Count When Selecting 1 or More Rows #2978

Open cfsinc opened this topic on on Feb 9, 2023 - 4 comments

cfsinc commented on Feb 9, 2023

I use the following to pull the row count from a datatables. Picture attached showing 114 rows but i select 1 row and when i export it only exports the 1 row that was selected but the count is still 114. How do I get the row selected count to show?

Not sure why this is so difficult today but its been quite a problem at the moment.

Im just trying to add a count at the bottom of the pdf export of datatables, it shows right unless I select a row only and export and instead of 1 it says 114 still.

$rowCount = $this->dataStore('report')->count();

This still shows 114 and not 1 row I selected

cfsinc commented on Feb 9, 2023

I have a workaround and im not happy with it but if there is something else to give me the correct row count I will use it. If not I will have to make this fix less sloppy.

I edited the source code buttons.html5.js again as I already am building out custom PDF configurations there to make pdf printing more controllable.

Added the following code to the pdfmake section

var rowCount = data.body.length;
This gave me the actual count of rows being sent to make pdf.

Then I added that to the MessageBottom code further down the file

		if ( info.messageBottom ) {
			doc.content.push( {
				//text: info.messageBottom,
				text: info.messageBottom + rowCount,
				style: 'message',
				margin: [ 0, 0, 0, 12 ]
			} );

This lets me send the MessageBottom Message of 

Total Row Count: Then the number comes from rowCount in the makepdf javascript. 

Here is the rest of the custom code I was already building out for expanding the PDF controls

DataTable.ext.buttons.pdfHtml5Adv = {
	className: 'buttons-pdf-adv buttons-html5-adv',

	available: function () {
		return window.FileReader !== undefined && _pdfMake();

	text: function ( dt ) {
		return dt.i18n( 'buttons.pdf', 'PDF' );

	action: function ( e, dt, button, config ) {
		this.processing( true );

		var that = this;
		var data = dt.buttons.exportData( config.exportOptions );
		var info = dt.buttons.exportInfo( config );
		var rows = [];
		var alignment = 'left';
		var colBodyAlign = config.colBodyAlign;

		if ( config.header ) {
			rows.push( $.map( data.header, function ( d ) {
				return {
					text: typeof d === 'string' ? d : d+'',
					style: 'tableHeader'
			} ) );

		for ( var i=0, ien=data.body.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
			rows.push( $.map( data.body[i], function ( d, j ) {
				var columnName = data.header[j];
				var alignment = colBodyAlign[columnName] || "left";
				if ( d === null || d === undefined ) {
					d = '';
				return {
					text: typeof d === 'string' ? d : d+'',
					style: i % 2 ? 'tableBodyEven' : 'tableBodyOdd',
					alignment: alignment
			} ) );
		var rowCount = data.body.length;
		//console.log("Number of rows: ", rowCount);

		if ( config.footer && data.footer) {
			rows.push( $.map( data.footer, function ( d ) {
				return {
					text: typeof d === 'string' ? d : d+'',
					style: 'tableFooter'
			} ) );
		//console.log("Data Footer: ", data.footer);
		//console.log("Config footer: ", config.footer);

		var doc = {
			pageSize: config.pageSize,
			pageOrientation: config.orientation,
			pageMargins: config.pageMargins,
			content: [
					table: {
						headerRows: 1,
						body: rows
					layout: 'noBorders'
			styles: {
				tableHeader: {
					bold: true,
					fontSize: config.tableHeaderFontSize,
					color: 'white',
					fillColor: '#2d4154',
					alignment: 'center'
				tableBody: {
					alignment: alignment
				tableBodyEven: {
					fontSize: config.tableBodyFontSize
				tableBodyOdd: {
					fillColor: '#f3f3f3',
					fontSize: config.tableBodyFontSize
				tableFooter: {
					bold: true,
					fontSize: 11,
					color: 'white',
					fillColor: '#2d4154'
				title: {
					alignment: config.titleAlignment,
					fontSize: config.titleFontSize
				message: {}
			defaultStyle: {
				fontSize: config.fontDefaultFontSize

		if ( info.messageTop ) {
			doc.content.unshift( {
				text: info.messageTop,
				style: 'message',
				margin: [ 0, 0, 0, 12 ]
			} );

		if ( info.messageBottom ) {
			doc.content.push( {
				//text: info.messageBottom,
				text: info.messageBottom + rowCount,
				style: 'message',
				margin: [ 0, 0, 0, 12 ]
			} );

		if ( info.title ) {
			doc.content.unshift( {
				text: info.title,
				style: 'title',
				margin: [ 0, 0, 0, 12 ]
			} );

		if ( config.customize ) {
			config.customize( doc, config, dt );

		var pdf = _pdfMake().createPdf( doc );

		if ( config.download === 'open' && ! _isDuffSafari() ) {
		else {
			pdf.download( info.filename );

		this.processing( false );

	title: '*',

	filename: '*',

	extension: '.pdf',

	exportOptions: {},

	orientation: 'portrait',

	pageSize: 'A4',

	header: true,

	footer: true,

	messageTop: '*',

	messageBottom: '*',

	customize: null,

	download: 'download',

	colBodyAlign: {},

	pageMargins: {},

	defaultFontSize: '10',

	titleFontSize: '10',

	titleAlignment: 'center',

	tableHeaderFontSize: '10',

	tableBodyFontSize: '8',

cfsinc commented on Feb 9, 2023

The PDF functionality of koolreports datatables is really unusable in its current default state. It requires a lot of additional code be added to the source code for it to to produce a report layout that is formatted well enough to be usable. I can only assume others dont use the pdf printing from datatables or did what Im going and continuing to expand the source code to allow additional configuration from within the datatables table code?

Sebastian Morales commented on Feb 9, 2023

I see that Buttons' PDF export's messageBottom can be a javascript function like this:

                messageBottom: "function () {
                    if ( printCounter === 1 ) {
                        return 'This is the first time you have printed this document.';
                    else {
                        return 'You have printed this document '+printCounter+' times';

Perhaps you can get the current selected rows count of your DataTables and return it in messageBottom function. Let us know if it works for your case. Tks,

cfsinc commented on Feb 9, 2023

I cant get that to work as it is written. I tried a couple of other function calls for MassageBottom but they did not work either. I have a solution for now until I can build that out better. Just want you guys to know how featureless the pdf for datatables currently is. Its not usable without javascript knowledge and it is helping me learn. I guess that is a positive thing.

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