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Multiple Dashboards in Application Error #2072

Open Christian Voß opened this topic on on May 11, 2021 - 1 comments

Christian Voß commented on May 11, 2021


I added two dashboards to my application:

protected function dashboards()
    return [
            "Test 1"=> TestDashboard1::create(), 
            "Test 2"=> TestDashboard2::create()     

    protected function csrf()
        return CSRF::create()

When I open the App, the first one comes up which is OK. When I click on the second one, it's just added to the bottom of the first one. I expected it to replace the first one. When I then click onto the first one again, I get an endlessly spinning loading symbol.

I integrated the dashboard App into my laravel application, in case that this is importent.

Please let me know if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks and best regards


Christian Voß commented on May 12, 2021

I have a feeling that this is linked to my other bug report #2073.

I believe the issue is caused by the KWidget or by the Pivot table I have inside it.

Any support is still very welcome.



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