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Report does not return with large dataset #1412

Closed Andrew Borell opened this topic on on Apr 28, 2020 - 2 comments

Andrew Borell commented on Apr 28, 2020

Are there any restrictions on the the dataset? I have a report im running that has always worked but right now its larger than normal, approximately 10 columns for 27,000 rows. If I restrict the result set to 10k it functions correctly. I cannot imagine unless it was a memory issue that a measly 27000 records would crash anything, so my next thought is maybe there is an invalid non utf8 character is being returned in the larger dataset causing an exception maybe??

The question I have then really is how I can go about debugging this issue?

KoolReport commented on Apr 28, 2020

Could you please try to turn on the error_reporting(E_ALL); and see if there is any error returned.

Andrew Borell commented on May 1, 2020

Sorted it out. Thanks.

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