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MySql data to Stacked BarChart #1258

Open farish opened this topic on on Jan 15, 2020 - 1 comments

farish commented on Jan 15, 2020

Hi, I am new to koolreport. My question, how can I populate a Bar Chart as the example image below. through MySQL?

My PHP Code so far:

    protected function setup()
        ->query("SELECT PState, PRole, COUNT(*) as P_Role_Count FROM p_data GROUP BY PState ORDER BY PState asc ") 

            "title"=>"Players Data",

My DB:

The Bar Chart generated not as expected

Any helps are appreciated. Thanks!

KoolReport commented on Jan 15, 2020

You need to use the Cube process with "rows"=>"pState" and "columns"=>"pRole". So you will have the 2 dimension table with row is the state and columns are list of pRole. After that you feed data into ColumnChart with isStacked=true, you will get your desired chart.

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