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How to compress a PDF Report #1254

Open Sowmya opened this topic on on Jan 11, 2020 - 3 comments

Sowmya commented on Jan 11, 2020

Dear KoolReport team,

In my Grid output I have 13-15  columns.

But in PDF export I got only 11 columns.

But I want to show all the columns, which are exist in Table.

I tried with "zoom" =>2 && "zoom"=>-2 && "zoom"=>"-2"

But no use.

Can you help me out in this situation.

KoolReport commented on Jan 13, 2020

You make "zoom"=>0.5 to see how.

Sowmya commented on Jan 14, 2020

Ya, now it worked sir. Thank you for your responce. But it doesn't contain clear output. I think it won't worked for 20 columns like that? Please check the attached output.

KoolReport commented on Jan 14, 2020

Everything has the limit, so as the page. So if you don't plan to print the pdf out then you can set the zoom as much as you can. People can zoom in when view the pdf.

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