Data Sources

List of available data sources and guide you how to setup connection to your data.


KoolReport has public method called settings(). In your derived report from KoolReport, you need to declare all of your report settings including the list of datasources and their connections settings in this function.

class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(


The "mysql_datasource" or "csv_datasource" are source names that you name them yourself. You can give them a meaningful name such as "sale2015". Going with the names are the array() containing the connection type and settings.

In above example, the "mysql_datasource" settings has no "class" property so KoolReport will take PdoDataSource as default connection. The "csv_datasource" has defined property "class"=>'\koolreport\datasources\CSVDataSource' which will instruct KoolReport to use the class to handle connection.

Use single quote for class declaration.

The datasource class is going with namespace so the backslash (\) is used. To safe string reason, the single quote should be used.


PdoDataSource is the default datasource in KoolReport. This datasource helps you to connect to various databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle and many others. The full list of supported databases is here.


Name type default description
connectionString string Set the PDO connection string
username string User login name
password string User password
charset string "utf8" Set the charset of database.


Methods return description
query(string $str_query) PdoDataSource This method is used in report's setup() function. It will help to setup query string which will be excuted when report is run.
params(array $params) PdoDataSource This method is used to set list of parameters for query statement


class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(

    public function setup()
        ->query("SELECT * FROM tblPurchase where status=:status")

In above example, we query all data from table tblPurchase of "mysql_datasource". The query result will be piped through many processes in between until it reaches the final data store called "purchase_summary".


Although using PDODataSource can connect to MySQL. However if for some reasons, you do not have the PDO Driver, you may use the old traditional connection to MySQL using MySQLDataSource


Name type default description
class string Must set to '\koolreport\datasources\MySQLDataSource'
host string Host of database
username string Your login username
password string Your password
dbname string Database name
charset string Charset


Methods return description
query(string $str_query) MySQLDataSource This method is used in report's setup() function. It will help to setup query string which will be excuted when report is run.
params(array $params) MySQLDataSource This method is used to set list of parameters for query statement


class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
                    'host' => 'localhost',
                    'username' => 'root',
                    'password' => '',
                    'dbname' => 'automaker',
                    'charset' => 'utf8',  
                    'class' => "\koolreport\datasources\MySQLDataSource"  
    public function setup()
        ->query("SELECT * FROM tblPurchase where status=:status")


Although using PDODataSource can connect to SQL Server. However if for some reasons, you do not have the PDO Driver, you may use the old traditional connection to MySQL using SQLSRVDataSource


Name type default description
class string Must set to '\koolreport\datasources\SQLSRVDataSource'
host string Host of database
username string Your login username
password string Your password
dbname string Database name
charset string Charset


Methods return description
query(string $str_query) SQLSRVDataSource This method is used in report's setup() function. It will help to setup query string which will be excuted when report is run.
params(array $params) SQLSRVDataSource This method is used to set list of parameters for query statement


class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
                    'host' => 'localhost',
                    'username' => 'root',
                    'password' => '',
                    'dbname' => 'automaker',
                    'charset' => 'utf8',  
                    'class' => "\koolreport\datasources\SQLSRVDataSource"  
    public function setup()
        ->query("SELECT * FROM tblPurchase where status=:status")


Not all of your data comes from database, some may come from your application itself in form of array. ArrayDataSource helps you to source those data to produce data analysis and report.


Name type default description
class string Must set to '\koolreport\datasources\ArrayDataSource'
data array array() Contain data in array
dataFormat string "associate" You can set value either "table" or "associate".


Methods return description
load(array $data, string$format = "associate") ArrayDataSource This allow us to load an array in the setup() function of KoolReport. This load() function support both type of table format "associate" and "table"


Below example shows data input in associate format:

class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
                        array("customerName"=>"Johny Deep","dollar_sales"=>100),
                        array("customerName"=>"Angelina Jolie","dollar_sales"=>200),
                        array("customerName"=>"Brad Pitt","dollar_sales"=>200),
                        array("customerName"=>"Nocole Kidman","dollar_sales"=>100),

Below example shows data input in table format:

class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
                    "dataFormat"=>"table", //Table data format
                        array("Johny Deep",100),
                        array("Angelina Jolie",200),
                        array("Brad Pitt",200),
                        array("Nocole Kidman",100),


In many case, data is stored in CSV for example log file. The CSVDataSource will help us to read data from those file and pipe their data into our processing chain.


Name type default description
class string Must set to '\koolreport\datasources\CSVDataSource'
filePath string The full file path to the .csv file.
fieldSeparator string "," Set the field separator in your csv, some file use "\t" tab as field separator
charset string "utf8" Charset of your CSV file
firstRowData boolean false Whether the first row is data. Normally the first row contain the field name so default value of this property is false.


class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
    public function setup()


ExcelDataSource help you to get data from your current Microsoft Excel file. Underline of ExcelDataSource is the open-source library called phpoffice/PHPExcel which helps us to read various Excel version. Please install the Excel package.


Name type default description
class string Must set to '\koolreport\excel\ExcelDataSource'
filePath string The full file path to your Excel file.
charset string "utf8" Charset of your Excel file
firstRowData boolean false Whether the first row is data. Normally the first row contain the field name so default value of this property is false.


class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
    public function setup()


You need to install the MongoDB package.


Name type default description
class string Must set to '\koolreport\mongodb\MongoDataSource'
connectionString string Define connection string to MongoDB. If you use connectionString, you do not need to use properties host, username and password.
host string MongoDB host
username string Username
password string Password
database string The name of database you want to connect


class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
    public function setup()


ReportDataSource is a special data source which help to get data from another report. Let imagine we create a report that requires data already existed in another report. We want to connect to existed report and get those data rather than spending time to rewrite code. ReportDataSource will help you to do so.


Name type default description
class string Must set to '\koolreport\datasources\ReportDataSource'
report string The full class name of source report you want to get data from.
params array array() Parameters that will be inserted to source report when inititated
key string This is optional parameter. In case that you need to create more than one datasource from single source report (only difference in params) then you specify different key for each datasource.


Methods return description
dataStore(string $name) ReportDataSource This function is used in setup() function of report. It specifies the name of data store in the source report we want to get data from.


For example, we need to create TotalSaleReport which will need data from HardwareSaleReport and SoftWareSaleReport


require "HardwareSaleReport.php";
require "SoftwareSaleReport.php";

class TotalSaleReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    public function settings()
        return array(
    public function setup()
        ->dataStore('sale') //We want to get data from "sale" data store of HardwareSaleReport

The above report will run two sub-reports which are HardwareSaleReport and SoftwareSaleReport. This two reports receive month=1 and year=2017 as parameters. As in the setup() function, we see that the report will get data from 'sale' datastore in the HardwareSaleReport to process further.

Creating new datasource

Creating a new datasource is simple. Below are the template:

class NewDataSource extends \koolreport\core\DataSource
    public function onInit()
        // Get called when the datasource is created.
        // You may get the detail settings from $this->params to init the connection.
    public function start()
        // When run, KoolReport will call this function. Here you will start sending data to the pipeline
        // Call $this->sendMeta($metaData) to send $metaData to next nodes.
        // Detail of $metaData structure is below.
        // Call $this->startInput(null) before sending any data
        // Start looping your data and call $this->next($data) to send each of data row to next process.
        // On finishing, please call $this->endInput(null) to notify next nodes that you have end sending data.

Metadata structure

The meta data should be sent before you sent any data. The meta data is a associate array in following format:


Data structure

The following is the data structure that you will send using next() function:

array("column_one"=>13,"column_two"=>"John Doe","column_three"=>"2015-12-25 00:00:00")
Data Processing